Well after weeks of running around the day has been and nearly gone,I hope you all had a good one. It was a strange one for me as my Mum is very poorly right now and couldnt make it to have dinner with us. I spent the day with her we exchanged gifts but it was a struggle to see her try and catch her breath.
My mum is 80 so every Christmas I have with her is a bonus, today really brought it home how empty Christmas will be without your mum,Christmas really is all about being with your familyand loved ones, never take your Christmas get togethers for granted, embrace them and cherish your memories.
My mum has always loved Christmas and made each an everyone magickal. Mum has never celebrated the commercial side of it, Christmas for Mum was always more spiritual I remember all the midnight masses we used to attend, how the weeks before christmas would be spent spraying glitter on twigs and making our own decorations. We baked ginger breadmen and angels and hung them on our trees. We baked cakes and puddings and mince pies.
We gathered Holly and Ivy from the garden to make wreaths every job was part of Christms I just wanted to tell you mum I love how special you made Christmas for us.
Mum bought me my lovely Nativity scene and light up village years ago and every christmas when I light them I am reminded how truly lucky I am in my life.
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