Saturday, 18 July 2009

So hard to keep in touch with friends

I have made many great friends from all around the world since I got my first computer many years ago. Who would have thought I would have friends from the US, Canada,Sweden, Norway,Poland,Belgium and even from my own country England. The age old problem of time though can be a problem I feel so bad at times I am behind in answering emails and letters and such, we live in an age when communication has never been so easy, but still the age old enemy of Time still makes it hard.

This is one of the reasons I have decided to blog maybe I can in between mails keep in contact with friends and let them know whats going on in my little part of the world.

I have been lucky enough to meet a lot of my online friends at conventions and stuff and feel very lucky to have made many great friends. It is so nice to receive letters,postcards and christmas cards from all over the world, my friends always make me smile.

So if you don't hear from me as much as usual please remember I haven't forgot any of you and I treasure your friendship and support over the years.



  1. Helloooooooo! :-D What cool blogg!You know I love witches also...*lol*I usually only read my daughters blogg to keep up with what she´s doing!*lol*Well if I decide to start one myself you´ll be the first to know.Oh almost forgot,Me and Tom are off to Yorkshire on Saturday! :-D Big hugs in huge bunches!!! Love always Mad XXXX

  2. Got so inspired by you so now I got one! *LOL*

    Love Mad XXX
