One of lifes greatest gifts has to be the Humble book, such a insignificant article can give you so much pleasure.Everyday I thank my blessings for the gift of eyesight which enables me to see the words, the gift of a normal brain function (well some would argue) to understand the words. Through all the troubles of the world books have remained, for thousands of years they have stood the test of time. Many predicted the demise of the humble book once the internet took hold, but no the book is still here. I have all the gadgets from the ereader (which my other half bought me) and yes I do love it, to audio books which I like when I am too tired to read, but for me nothing compares to the look and the feel of a real book. I have many favourite authors Joanne Harris,Martina Cole, Daphne du Maurier,Simon Kernick,Natasha Mostert,Phil Rickman just a few off the top of my head. My choice of reading reflects my mood, I love a good mystery thriller, sometimes I like a ghost story, but I may also like a chick lit novel but whatever my mood there is a book for it. Book stores don't get me on that one, that has to be one of the greatest pleasures as well going in a book store feeling them deciding on a book and coming away with your purchase. Libraries I too adore what a fabulous service this is, I can order anybook i want at my local library, if they haven't got it they will get if for me, that is brilliant we fought tooth and nail to keep our local library open when through government cuts it was threatened with closure I honestly think the library has to be one of the communitys greatest assest. So all in all the Humble book looks like its here to stay and I for one revel in the simple pleasures it brings me and millions of other people.
A friday ramble from Electricwitch.