Sunday, 8 January 2012

Januarys Reading list

Well finally decided to make an effort to get through more books this year, not that I don't like reading, in fact the opposite I love reading books the main problem for me is time, especially at home, by the time you get in its bath time, tea time, few jobs done then its bedtime, day over.

Iam however lucky I'm in a job where I can get a couple of hours reading in a day so I'm aiming to read a book a week at work and one a week at home so hopefully I can read two books a week.

This week was the last two Christmas books I decided to read, I only like reading Christmas themed books around the holiday period, so once January comes they feel wrong.

The first one I read was one of the 'Coffee House Mysteries'by Cleo Coyle apparantly there is a series of these books which are set in a coffee House in New York, I went for this on Kindle as most of the holiday reads at this time of year seem to be of the 'Chic lit' variety which is ok for a seasonal read but not really my normal cup of tea.

This book was number 8 in the series, I don't think you have to read them in any sort of order from what I can gather there is normally a new mystery in every book.

On a scale of 10 I guess I'd give it a 6 not the best mystery story I've ever read, but not the worst either, these are a cozy sort of mystery ok for a quick read, there were a few twists and turns in the book, but not enough to warrant a higher mark.

The story basically revolves around the coffee house owner Claire who fancies herself as a bit of a sleuth in her spare time, personally she irritated me found her way to nosey, but thats me. Of course when her friend the local Santa gets murdered she sets off on her own trail to find the killer.

The highlight of the book for me was all the wonderful recipes in the back of the book, there was loads from delicious Fa la la la lattes,coffe blends with different syrups, cookies, cakes, chocolates basically all the wonderful things you'd find in a really good coffee house.

Would I read another Coffe house mystery? maybe, did it make me want to go visit a coffee house and have a gingerbread latte? definetly.

My second read this week was also on kindle it was a debut novel by Scarlett Bailey called 'Night before Christmas' I saw this book on another blog and it was voted top holiday read of 2011 so I thought I'd give it ago. Definite one for the chic lit lovers out there, I read it because it was seasonal and I liked the cover, not exactly the best way to choose a book, but it works for me.

The story is based around the main character Lydia who finds a suprise engagement ring from her boyfriend and sets her off worrying if she wants to spend the rest of her life with this person.

They have planned a wonderful christmas in the country at her friends hotel along with four other of her friends and their partners.However nothing is as idyllic as it sounds as the story goes there are a number of trials and tribulations along the way.

I started reading this book a bit flippant thinking not really for me, but i soon found I was reading it all the time, a sign for me I am enjoying it, I found it laugh out loud funny all the way throughout.Corny and predictable it was but also funny and entertaing as well. Definetly a 7 for me and a worthwhile holiday read.

Monday, 2 January 2012

When do you take down your Christmas decorations?

I hate this time of year when you have to take down the decorations but once January is here I just think they look wrong.I know its not the 12th night and all that but from January 1st I am always itching to get them down,for me January is the beginning of a new year I don't want to see Christmas,think of Christmas as much as I enjoy it they have to go.

On saying that I will miss their subtle glow in the evenings their gentle twinkling on a dark winters night the house will look bare for a few days but it has to be done so today I took the bull by the horns and dismantled everything.

Wasn't to hard this year I had no tree didn't think it was worth the hassle with a 9 month old kitten.It was just twigs and fairy lights and both my fires decorated. Still if we didn't put them away we wouldn't enjoy putting them up again would we?

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Years thoughts and ramblings

Not a person for New Years resolutions as I usually have forgot them by midday on Jan 1st, however there is some things I plan to do in my life this year.

1. The usual get fitter lose a few pounds line we all use at this time of year, but seriously I'm getting serious about my Yoga and going to aim for a few classes a week and a few sessions at home, get stuck into my wii as well as I have both Zumba and Yoga on the wii.

2. Try to juggle my life a bit better and make some time for me last year my stress levels were high and I seemed to be running around like a headless chicken, all my own fault for not organising my life better.

3.Read more I have a ton of books on my to read list so going to aim for 2 a week and plan to blog about them as well.

4.Blog more I enjoy blogging and reading blogs but see No.2 never seem to have enough time.Getting my Vegan cooking blog up and running properly as well.

5.Going to take time out once a week to take photographs I enjoy photography but never seem to get my camera out enough.

6.Plan to try a new recipe every weekend.

Think that's enough to be going on with for now. Here's a pic from today's Sky thought it looked rather nice.

Happy New Year

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